Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Poodwaddle Clocks

Poodwaddle Clocks

Thursday, August 30, 2007

when you don't know where you're going
can't remember where you've been
it's hard to believe in someone
and really think they'll let you in

telling yourself your crazy
noone could love a fool like you
not with all your problems
what's a lonely heart supposed to do

all those years of searching
proved to be in vain
one face after another
all turned out the same

feeling old and tired
youth lost long aho
no longer naive girl
you've gotta learn to take it slow

now you've figured out where you're going
it doesn't matter where you've been
so long as you believe in SOMETHING
its up to youto let them in

Monday, August 27, 2007

Wtf haven't you got anything better to do with your time?
What did I ever do to you?

I can't just clue you in to everything! Somethings ya gotta figure out for yourself. Otherwise you aren't really LEARNING ANYTHING! Because how can you possibly know if I'm gonna give the straight goods? Just 'cause I always did before does NOT mean that I will continue to do so! Perhaps I have finally snapped and wish to throw a little trickery back your way.
Not saying that I WILL, but how do you KNOW I won't?

Think on it for awhile, why don't you; There has got to be a first time for everything!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Whaddya want from me?
Like i'm supposed to know what the Bleep is going on?
I know I know everything , but surely there is someone else you can bother!Go Away!
Take off, eh!

Wait a minute- just where exactly do you think you are going?
Stick around!
Stay awhile!
Can I get you a drink?
Perhaps a LIFE?

Seriously though, how do you people find these things, and don't you have anything better to do with your time?
Like get a JOB?
Or wash your hair?
Take your kid to school!?

You gotta give me time to set this thing up.